Monday, June 20, 2011

Chapter 8

Patrick Bratton Class time Online
Author: Sara Baase
Date of Publication: 2008
Book: A Gift of Fire
Sections read: Chapter 8

1. (Questioning) After reading this chapter/article what questions do I have?
Have any of my accounts seen computer errors?

2. (Knowledge) Tell three interesting elements of this chapter:
A. If computer errors occur within law enforcement people are subject to arrest or otherwise.
B. Therac-25 incidents show that many factors contributed to the injuries and death (pg. 425)
C. There are several ways to categorize computer errors such as the serious of the effect or cause.

3. (Comprehension) Summarize what is being discussed within this chapter?
Chapter 8 mainly talks about the mistakes computers make, and when mistakes are made they may affect people. Failures and Errors in Computer Systems. People have been billed money and people have lost their assets due to computer error and glitches.

4. (Application)Name a specific example or NEW solution for this type of problem/similar situation in society or that you have experienced – BE SPECIFIC AND EXPLAIN?
A specific example I can remember is when I signed up for Time Warner Cable’s Road Runner service. At the time there was a low price for 12 months to start out then after the 12 months it would increase to its regular price. Well after the first month I noticed I was billed full price when I was supposed to be locked in for the 12 month lower price. The rep didn’t know what happened but changed my bill and I had no problems since. This was obviously a computer error.

5. (Analysis) Address ANY that apply. How can you compare one of the situations in this chapter to something that does not relate to computers, technology, or the Internet? Be sure to reference the chapter and your solution. What ideas NEW can you add to the issue that is being presented within the reading?
I can compare this to something that does not relate to computers, technology or the Internet by saying that when people fill out their tax forms or have someone complete them, sometimes there are errors and people are either owed money, or owe money due to a miscalculation.

6. (Synthesis) Address all that apply. Do you agree with what is being said within the article (Why/Why not? Back up with FACTS, reference)?
Yes I do agree with what is being said in the reading. Computers are known for making errors especially when it’s dealing with billing information, I know this from experience. People dispute their bills all the time and I feel that people such because computers are not perfect.

7. (Evaluation) Address all that apply. Judge whether or not this topic is relevant in today’s society? Are there any ethical considerations (see Chap1-1.4 for exp of Ethics)? What new ideas will you make after reading this chapter/article?

After reading this chapter I became more aware that computers make errors on a daily basis. I used to think it was once in a while but now I know that if something seems unusual with anything such as a billing statement to not get upset about it, it might be a computer error.

8. (Conclusion) after completing this assignment, based on new thoughts and evidence
a. What new conclusions have you come to about this topic?
I feel people need to be aware of computer glitches and to check anything they have on file that is computer related, which now in society is basically everything.

b. Below restate your questions from #1 and include the answer based on your new conclusions.
Has any of my accounts come up with bank errors? I’m not sure but to make sure I will make sure to keep up with my statements because computers have a chance for errors

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chapter 7 Digital Divide Prezi

Chapter 6 Animoto

Create your own video slideshow at

Chapter 5

Name Patrick Bratton Class time: Online

Author: Sara Baase
Date of Publication: 2008
Book: A Gift of Fire
Sections read: Chapter 5

1. (Questioning) After reading this chapter/article what questions do I have?
With websites that claim to protect your identity, will people’s information ever be protected off of the Internet?

2. (Knowledge) Tell three interesting elements of this chapter:

People create fake websites to obtain information.
Hackers changed the CIA website to “Central Stupidity Agency”
Hacking was originally “creative programming” with people writing very elegant or clever programs.

3. (Comprehension) Summarize what is being discussed within this chapter?
Hacking, crime, viruses, identity theft and pharming are some of the main topics discussed within this chapter. Identity theft is easily obtained when someone enters their information into a deceiving website. Crimes committed online are harder to catch then those offline.

4. (Application) Name a specific example or NEW solution for this type of problem/similar situation in society or that you have experienced – be specific and explain?

I noticed that on Facebook, sometimes people profiles are hacked. You notice this when you see random posts on the wall telling you to click on this link and if you do; you too will automatically start posting fake links for more people accounts to be hacked. The good thing about this is that all you have to do is change your password and then you’re good again.

5. (Analysis) Address ANY that apply. How can you compare one of the situations in this chapter to something that does not relate to computers, technology, or the Internet? Be sure to reference the chapter and your solution. What ideas NEW can you add to the issue that is being presented within the reading?

I can relate this to a B2B type of business. People within this business go house to house knocking on doors trying to sell a product. I feel this may be an easy way to deceive people because if someone was walking around selling a product and stated they needed your information, those who fell into the trap may be in jeopardy of identity theft. People need to be aware of the things they sign up for and never ever give out their social security unless what they are signing up for is legit. People need to ask questions and check the terms of agreement before signing on the dotted line.

6. (Synthesis) Address all that apply. Do you agree with what is being said within the article (Why/Why not? Back up with FACTS, reference)?

I agree with what is being said within the chapter. At first, hackers programmed creatively, but now within this generation hacking seems to be “cool” because now hacking is easily done and the information to hack can be easily obtained online. Hackers can create viruses and spyware to obtain information with ease.

7. (Evaluation) Address all that apply. Judge whether or not this topic is relevant in today’s society? Are there any ethical considerations (see Chap1-1.4 for exp of Ethics)? What new ideas will you make after reading this chapter/article?
This topic is definitely relevant in society today! People and companies are hacked all the time. One major hack that happened back in April was the hacking of the PlayStation Network! Millions of data and credit card information was claimed to be obtained. With that type of information people accounts may be wiped out, and email addresses might be sold which brings spam into people’s email. People information is bought and obtained online daily and I feel that people need to really to start taking notice to their accounts and make sure nothing is happening to their identities.

8. (Conclusion) after completing this assignment, based on new thoughts and evidence
what new conclusions have you come to about this topic?

Will people information be protected off of the Internet? NO! If hackers can hack into the CIA I feel that if someone wanted information bad enough and was a professional hacker than they will obtain that information. And I do not feel websites that claim they will protect your information can protect it as they say because I remember the guy who was showing his social security for life lock on the TV got his information hacked.


References: Baase, Sara. A Gift of Fire. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

RiP A Remix Manifesto

Your Name Patrick Bratton Class time: Online

Name of Movie: Rip: A remix manifesto
Year: 2008
Producers: Daniel Cross, Mila Aung Thwin, Ravida Din, Sally Bochner

Your questions after watching the film:

 Will piracy ever be stopped?
 Why do you hear mostly companies complaining about piracy rather than artist?
 Will companies eventually just give up on trying to stop piracy?

1. There are 6 characters in this film. Name 3 of these people, and why they are included in the film (who they are). How do they relate to the overall theme of the film (Knowledge):
a. Dan O’Neill, a cartoonist and founder of Air Pirates, a group sued by the Walt Disney Company for copyright infringement.
b. Jammie Thomas, single mom sued by Recording Industry Association of America for $222,220 for uploading 24 songs to the now shut down Kazaa file-sharing network.
c. Lawrence Lessig, political activist and a professor at Stanford Law School, wants to have reduced legal restrictions in technological applications.

2. Who is Gregg Gillis? What is Girltalk? What are the main ideas being discussed within this movie? (Comprehension)

Gregg Gillis is a remixing musician, preferably a DJ, that is in the band Girltalk. The main ideas being discussed are that it is perfectly fine to remix someone else’s music to create a new song. Gregg Gillis supports that idea.

3. What is ReMixing? Specifically, why does narrator Brett Gaylor say that the computer is Gregg Gillis’ instrument. Explain what it does and how this technologic advancement is changing music. (Comprehension)

ReMixing is taking someone’s original song, creating mash ups with notes cut up and rearranged to make new songs. The computer is Gregg Gillis’ instrument because he creates the mash ups on it with ease. This is changing music because a person can take an original song and create a completely new song with the lyrics and notes.

4. Based on the main point off this film, where do you see connections to your experiences, society, or what you’ve read in the book/watched on Angel– BE SPECIFIC (Application)?

Based off my experience I have seen the remixing of music almost on a daily basis. There are remixes on the radio, TV and the clubs. I am a rap fan and I’ve noticed a large amount of songs being sampled from old songs so remixing and sampling is definitely in the mainstream.

5. Analyze what you’ve watched. What is the future of distribution, production and creativity of music? (Analysis)

The future of the distribution, production and creativity of music looks promising for the future. I honestly do not see anything changing because companies continuing to lose money. I feel that people who remix, and piracy is never going anywhere and there will never be a mutual agreement between pirates and companies. People can already download music fast today but in the future it will be with a snap of a finger, I think it may get that fast one day and creativity will never die because people love to create never music.

6. Do you think that remixing is stealing someone’s Intellectual Property? Why or why not? (Analysis)?

I do not think remixing is stealing someone’s Intellectual Property. I understand that to remix you have to take someone’s original song and alter it but remixing is not easy. I have tried to remix songs before, it takes creativity. With that said I believe the remixing then becomes your work, people will obviously know you remixed an original song but you don’t get respect for that, you get respect for the remix.

7. How will the issues of copyright and Intellectual property affect the world in 10 years? BE SPECIFIC SITE OUTSIDE SOURCES (SYNTHESIS)

I feel that in 10 years people will continue to download music just as they do today. I do not seeing copyright laws taking full effect on society because how can you enforce that without doing something unethical like requiring people to put a computer chip on their computer monitoring their activity.

8. Do you agree with what is being said within movie? What shifts in your opinion on this topic have happened from watching this film? What new ideas have you created after watching and thinking about this film? (Evaluation)

I do agree with what is being said in the movie. I feel people should be allowed to remix music as much as they want to. By watching the movie you see how the music brought people together and everyone was having a good time. That is important to me because it is reality, music does bring people together and I feel copyright laws and major companies just need to back off because the piracy of music and the remixing of it is not going anywhere and I truly believe it never will.

State your original questions and answer them below:
 NO! I do not feel that piracy will be stopped. I don’t care how much they try to scare people with their copyright laws, people will continue to download and remix music.
 I feel that artist don’t complain as much because they may see it as a sign of respect for their music. And they are compensated with a contract anyway, so the selling of their music will basically be like commission not only that but musicians know they have fans out there who see them as their favorite and will buy their music. At the end of the day, they are still rich. It is the companies who are money hungry.
 I feel that companies may never actually give up in the fight to stop piracy but just slowly stop complaining about it and let it go because they truly know they will never be able to stop it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Identity Theft

During the identity theft assessment I received a 48. I know that we are to assume that everyone is a good person deep down and have good intentions but when it comes to my identity while involving money I am very cautious. Some of the things I do on a daily basis are checking my statements, keeping my anti-virus software up to date, as well as ask THOROUGH questions to ANYONE who may ask or need my social security.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Steal This Film II

Your Name Patrick Bratton Class time:Online

Name of Movie: Steal this Film
Year: 2006
Producers: The Pirate Bay

Who is the Pirate Bay? What do they stand for? What is their mission?

1. Name, and define, 3 significant people interviewed in the movie (Knowledge):
a. Fredrik Neij
b. Gottfrid Svartholm
c. Peter Sunde (all three contributed to the creations of the Pirate Bay

2. What are the main ideas being discussed within this movie? (Comprehension)

What is being discussed in this movie is the illegal activity of pirating movies, movies…etc... Online and how the Pirate Bay members believe in freedom of speech and feel that online piracy is no different from people putting copyrighted materials on Google.

3. What is BitTorrent? Explain what it does and how this technologic advancement had changed society. (Comprehension)

BitTorrent is a P2P application. Peer-to-peer applications allow people to upload a file and share it among the community. This is a technologic advancement in society because people can download files for free online as long as their available, meaning people are saving money but companies are losing money.

4. Based on the main point off this film (If you don’t understand read: Where do you see connections to your experiences,and/or society at large– BE SPECIFIC (Application)?

Society at a large will never stop pirating music. On the site “” It sarcastically states “the 'battles' between old and new modes of distribution, between the pirate and the institution of copyright, seem to many of us already lost and won. We know who the victors are. Why then say any more?” That proves that as long as people who are in control of P2P software are not budding when the law interferes than neither are the so called pirates.

5. Analyze what you’ve watched. What is the future of distribution, production and creativity? Has society achieved its main goal in relation to Intellectually Property? (Analysis)

The future of distribution, production and creativity will continue. Just because people download music for free there will always be those who still pay for it as well as go to the movies which are expensive today. In my opinion industries as well as their artists, actors and their crews will continue to make money. People download music and movies to save money, the people who create the intellectual property are already rich so in my opinion, who cares if they are offended because at the end of the day they will continue to be rich.

6. Do you think that downloading is stealing someone’s Intellectual Property? Why or why not? (Analysis)?

No I do not. How often do you hear of musicians or actors rebel or set up campaigns against piracy? Not much, it is the big companies who pay the musicians that are making a big deal about it. If I were to pirate music and never once hear my favorite musician say, “don’t download you stealing MY music” Then I don’t consider it stealing. Musicians and actors have contracts so at the end of the day their going to get paid anyway. And P2P- means peer-to-peer, which is file sharing. Files are online being shared.

7. How will the issues of copyright and Intellectual property affect the world in 50 years? BE SPECIFIC (SYNTHESIS)

Putting a file on the Internet is like a virus, it can spread any, and everywhere. I don’t think that in 50 years piracy will be controlled. They can enforce all the laws they want but there will always be people who break them.

8. Do you agree with what is being said within movie? What shifts in your opinion on this topic have happened from watching this film? What new ideas have you created after watching and thinking about this film? (Evaluation)

I agree with the Pirate Bay, I don’t see how downloading music is any different from putting copyrighted material online through Google. I feel the Pirate Bay gives off the impression to be a revolutionary group that condones P2P sharing and I feel their doing a good job. Piracy will never go away.